Christianity’s Brand

Advertisers talk about a product’s “brand,” which refers to features or characteristics that customers associate with a particular product. For example, one paper towel manufacturer wants customers to think of it as “the quicker picker upper.” Car manufacturers may want their car to be identified with being fast or reliable Read more…

David and Saul

Anyone familiar with the Old Testament has probably heard the story about David and Bathsheba.[1] But in case you haven’t, here’s a quick summary. Bathsheba was a beautiful woman and the wife of Uriah the Hittite. While Uriah was away serving in the Israelite army, King David sent for Bathsheba Read more…

Father Damien

The following is an excerpt from Chapter 24 of my most recent book, Christ’s Faithful Servants: Leprosy was unknown in Hawaii until 1835, when a woman on the island of Kauai was diagnosed with it. It was probably brought from China. The disease spread rapidly, and by 1863 it had Read more…