A Plea For Kindness

I have been called many unflattering things on social media, mostly because of my political views. Regardless of whether you are blue, red, or purple, if you spend much time on social media you’ve probably experienced something similar. But what really hurts my heart is when the people doing the Read more…


In one of Lee Strobel’s weekly emails, which are entitled “Investigating Faith,” he tells about an American prisoner of war in North Vietnam who was promised he would be released if he cooperated with the enemy—and who died when that hope was crushed. The man died from a lack of Read more…


You cannot hate Jews or Muslims or immigrants and be a Christian. You cannot hate homosexuals or transsexuals and be a Christian. You cannot hate Democrats or Republicans and be a Christian. You cannot even hate criminals and be a Christian. It’s simple, really. You cannot hate anyone and still Read more…