Why Attend Church?
Some people contend that attending church is unnecessary, and that they can be good Christians without it. Some decline to attend because they have been physically or emotionally hurt at church. And some simply find church boring or uninspiring.
Any Christian who doesn’t have a church family should know that the author of Hebrews believed that gathering as a community of Christians is important—indeed, essential—for our mutual well being:
Let’s hold firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.[1]
This was also the practice of the early Christians:
And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.”[2]
And all the believers were together and had all things in common; and they would sell their property and possessions and share them with all, to the extent that anyone had need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart.[3]
On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread, Paul began talking to them, intending to leave the next day, and he prolonged his message until midnight.[4]
Jesus certainly anticipated that his followers would gather together after he was gone: “For where two or three gather together because they are Mine, I will be right there among them.”[5]
We need to gather together because we can reinforce each other’s faith and love, helping all of us grow spiritually. As Paul told the Romans:
For I long to visit you so that I can impart to you the faith that will help your church grow strong in the Lord. Then, too, I need your help, for I want not only to share my faith with you but to be encouraged by yours. Each of us will be a blessing to the other.”[6]
We can also learn from each other, encourage each other, comfort each other, and take care of each other.
I won’t say that a person cannot grow spiritually without attending church, but a community of believers feeds and nourishes that growth. So I believe a person who attends church will grow faster and farther than the solitary Christian.
To anyone who says that they did not find that kind of spiritual nourishment at the church(es) they attended, I would respond that they haven’t found the right church yet, because wonderful churches are out there.[7] They need to keep searching until they find the right one for them.
[1]. Hebrews 10:23-25
[2]. Acts 2:1
[3]. Acts 2:44-46
[4]. Acts 20:7
[5]. Matthew 18:20
[6]. Romans 1:11-12
[7]. During my time on active duty in the Navy, my wife and I had to find a new church each time we were transferred to a new duty station, which happened several times. We always tried to find a church where the congregation was not merely friendly (many churches are friendly), but dedicated to the love of God.