When Bad Things Happen To You

Published by DonDavidson on

Last week, and in a past blog entry, I discussed why “bad” things happen—or more accurately, why God allows them to happen. And from a strictly objective and intellectual viewpoint, such explanations can make a lot of sense—until it’s your loved one who dies or it’s your own body that is wracked with pain. Then it’s much harder to see why God allows such suffering.

So I will add the following postscript from Chapter 3 of my first book, Beyond Blind Faith, entitled “Why Do Bad Things Happen (to Me)?” (copyright 2017, 2019):

These explanations may make perfect sense unless you are the one suffering. Then the pain seems horribly unfair, as it did to poor Job. Through no fault of his own, Job lost everything—possessions, servants, children, and even his health.[1] Job felt mistreated, and accused God of cruelty and injustice.[2] God’s response, in chapters 38 through 41 of the book of Job, can be summarized as: “I’m God and you’re not, so just trust Me.”

If our suffering seems unfair at times, then we must trust God and try to endure it, while always keeping in mind that this life is not the end. And we are not alone, for God is there in the midst of our suffering, comforting and strengthening us.[3]

If you would like more information about any of my books, including descriptions, a list of contents, and excerpts from each book, you can click here or click on “Don’s Books” at the top of this web page.

[1]. Job 1:6-19 and 2:1-8

[2]. See Job 30:20-21 and 31:35.

[3]. See, for example, Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, and 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17.


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