Palm Sunday

This Sunday, April 2nd, is Palm Sunday, the day on which we commemorate Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, as detailed in Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, and Luke 19:28-44. The story begins with Jesus telling two of his disciples (none of the gospels names them) to go into a nearby village Read more…

The Magi

I’ve seen many Christmas pageants and Nativity scenes in my time, and most depict the newborn baby Jesus in a manger surrounded by Joseph, Mary, farm animals, shepherds, and three kings bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. There’s no harm in that, but historians and biblical scholars say that’s Read more…


Hanakkah—or Chanukah, as it’s sometimes spelled—begins this year on December 18th and runs through December 26th. The word means “dedication” in Hebrew. The story of Hanakkah begins in 175 B.C. with the accession of Antiochus IV to the throne of the Seleucid kingdom, one of the three kingdoms into which Read more…