
Baal and Marduk were two of the false gods worshiped by the peoples of Canaan and nearby regions. Although God repeatedly warned the Israelites not to worship false gods such as these, and even included that warning in the Ten Commandments,[1] idolatry was a persistent problem for God’s people until Read more…


Hosea was a prophet during the reign of King Jeroboam II, who ruled the northern kingdom of Israel from about 803 to 763 B.C. Hosea was one of at least five prophets whom God sent to the northern kingdom to warn them that He was displeased with their evil and Read more…


If you are like me, you have prayed for healing, or for relief from a difficult situation. Maybe you’ve even prayed for money or children or success. Sometimes God grants such prayers. But if we are being honest, many times such prayers go unanswered. Some people have even lost their Read more…