Interesting Times

A famous saying—said to be an ancient Chinese curse, but more likely the product of British diplomats—is, “May you live in interesting times.” Joseph and Mary certainly lived in interesting times. Both were visited by angels (although Joseph’s visitation was in a dream) to prepare them for an unexpected pregnancy Read more…

Angry Jesus

Last week we talked about “gentle Jesus,” who treated sinners with compassion and kindness. In the synoptic Gospels, we find another story that is noteworthy because of Jesus’ compassion—the story of a man with a withered hand, probably atrophied as a result of some type of paralysis.[1] Jesus encounters the Read more…

Be a Blessing

In Genesis chapter 12, God tells Abram—whose name would soon change to Abraham[1]—to leave his country and his relatives, and go to “the land which I will show you.”[2] Several promises follow these instructions. God ends those promises by saying “in you all the families of the earth will be Read more…