
A story about C.S. Lewis says that he once walked into a gathering of Christian leaders who were discussing what makes Christianity unique among the world’s religions. Some said the resurrection, but others pointed out that many religions have stories about men or gods dying and coming back to life.[1] Read more…

What Did John Believe?

On the Sunday after Jesus was crucified, John’s Gospel tells us that Peter and another disciple—believed to be the apostle John[1]—ran to the tomb where Jesus’s body had been placed and found it empty.[2] Then John 20:8-10 adds this strange, seemingly contradictory statement: So the other disciple who had first Read more…

Did they lie?

Acts 8:3 tells us that in the early days of Christianity a man named Saul was “ravaging the church,” putting men and women in prison. Acts 8:1 adds that Saul approved of the execution of a Christian named Stephen. Have you ever wondered why Saul was so hostile toward Jesus’ Read more…